Why Your Multi-cloud Environment Needs a Resource Tagging Strategy

Why Your Multi-cloud Environment Needs a Resource Tagging Strategy

In the previous blog post we discussed streamlining FinOps through Resource Tagging. In this blog post, we discuss why a Resource Tagging strategy is essential for a multi-cloud environment. Enterprises are adopting a multi-cloud strategy for various reasons such as: pick the best-of-breed cloud services, mitigate risks, and to avoid vendor lock-in. With a well-defined…

How to Streamline FinOps through Resource Tagging

How to Streamline FinOps through Resource Tagging

As enterprises embrace the ‘digital first’ strategy, clearly cloud technology is a fore runner and here to stay. In this blog series, we will be exploring Resource Tagging as an approach that enterprises can implement to streamline the FinOps strategy. According to Gartner Research, 40% or all enterprise workloads will be deployed in cloud infrastructure…